Celebrations everywhere for the first year anniversary of What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday. No clue what I'm talking about? Pop over to Julia Dunnit who was the inventor of this great .. euhm... invention. LOL
She asked us to make something especially for the celebration, but I've only found out about this blog one week ago, so didn't had the time to make something. I almost didn't post, because my blog was looking EXACTLY the same as last week but then...
I came up with a great idea that turned out not using my great idea, but became a card instead. SO... this is a 'happy birthday-card' to WOYWW. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
And here are the pictures from my 'work in progress' workdesk as I was becoming very creative.
And here you can find my desk from another corner.
Last week a lot of people suggested that I decorated the drawers myself. Actually, I didn't! My mother did it! We have had this drawers for as long as I can remember. It stood in our bathroom and when we moved I kind of begged my mom if I could get it. She wasn't planning on doing anything with them, so I got them. Yay!
I also thought it would be nice to show you my flowers/buttons that are not too far away from me when I'm crafting. This is not all of it, but you'll have to come back next week to be able to see what other secrets I still have got stored in my craftroom/bedroom :)
And off course here's a picture of my completed work and now my desk looks really tidy again. (yeah, can you believe it? I have to keep up my 'tidy'-status now hm? :-) ) 
Stamp ~Whiff of joy (yes, the same as last post, I was planning something totally different LOL)
Flowers ~ e-line and ... ?
Embellies ~ Whiff of joy, buttons
Punches ~ leafs (Nellie Snellen)/butterflies